A credit card will be kept on file in case of a no call, no show. If you can not make it to your appointment, please notify me as soon as possible. Any no call, no show will be will have a rebooking fee in the amount of sevice you missed. NO EXCEPTIONS!
​Appointments start on time; it is the client’s responsibility to be on time!
If the client is more than 15 minutes late--
We will Proceed with the remainder of the appointment time left, knowing lashes may not be as full as usual.
(You will be charged for the full service price.
40% lash retention is required to be booked as a fill. If less than 40% please book a full set.
​It is the client’s responsibility to show up to their lash appointment with clean lashes, poor retention will occur if lashes are not clean. If you have to end up washing lashes at your appointment, it will cut into your lash fill time and lashes will not be as full.
If you have any issues with-in 48 hours please contact me so I can get you in and fix at no charge (with-in reason.)
​Patch test are recommended if you:
Had a reaction to extensions in the past
Think you may be allergic to lash extensions
Are prone to allergies
After 2-4 days of the patch test if no symptoms occur you may schedule a full set.
NO REFUNDS will be given if an allergic reaction occurs.​​
All sales are final no exchanges.
No Refunds on services. NO EXCEPTIONS!
​Any person under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian present at appointment and sign consent form.